
People with a new idea are regarded as crackpots until the matter has been settled.

(Marc Twain, author)

We support you quickly, competently and reliably in your international business. Our many years of expertise range from Hong Kong and China to Spain and the USA.

Do you, for example, deal with the establishment of your own subsidiary, e.g. in the USA? Based on our many years of experience and our network, we will facilitate your entry into the American market and show you how you can benefit from the advantages of a US corporation. We offer you a unique full service.

Thus you can carry out your business activities in Germany and Europe without problems and establish new markets with independent branches. Always a major advantage over the competition.
We would be pleased to have a first non-binding and free conversation with you.

consulting. management. coaching.


State funding opportunities

  • Pre-foundation consulting
  • Coaching for business start-ups
  • Potential consulting
  • Round Table Advice
  • Turn Around Consulting
  • Various country consulting programs
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    W-CONSULT's team of consultants consists of highly qualified experts with many years of experience in management or executive functions.


    Robert-Perthel-Straße 45
    D-50739 Köln


    Fon +49 221 986 539 34
    Mobil +49 173 259 2086
    Fax +49 221 986 539 34
    Mail: info(at)